Learn How to Choose an Ideal Translation Service Provider…on the Internet

In these times of immediate interaction, when a search engine enables us to cross borders and oceans to any part of the world, where there is a service provider that IMPRESSES AND PROMISES us we are going to be completely satisfied, we must be very careful in evaluating and selecting the characteristics of the one we choose in order to make sure it meets our expectations and is in line with our quality objectives.

Thanks to the ease technology provides, we can find colorful websites with links to the social networks, where we are asked to “attach the document” we wish to have translated in order to obtain an instant quote. However, there are confidential documents that cannot be shared without a signed confidentiality agreement and the certainty that they will be uploaded to a secure repository!

In addition, without focusing much on the company’s history and experience, an ultra-modern website will enthusiastically offer us the best service on the planet.

Clearly, the Internet gives us access to many service providers, whose websites assure us of their experience and expertise, which nobody has verified.

If your organization adheres to a quality standard, the first aspects to verify when choosing a service provider for specialized translations are:

  1. That the service provider has a certificate of official approval.

The Certificate of Official Approval is proof that an organization adheres to global criteria of quality standards or the standard corresponding to the industry to which the organization pertains.

  1. That it has some type of recognition in the country in which the service is required.

Often a company that is a franchise of another based in a different country will boast that they have quality certification, but they fail to mention that it was granted to the office in Mendoza, Argentina, for example, rather than the one in Lima, Peru. Quality certification is not inherited, transferred or shared. Verifying where the certification is from is recommended.

  1. That the company has a history and, above all, that that history has been verified as real.

Checking the SUNAT (National Superintendency of Tax Administration in Peru) website is recommended in the case of a domestic (Peruvian) company, in order to verify the date the company was registered. This helps us to know how old it is. You may be surprised by what you find.

  1. That it is not a sole proprietorship.

Being a recognized market-leading organization for decades is a team effort, and the potential a full-time team provides is what distinguishes a translation company from the rest. Evaluate the type of service provider your organization deserves.

  1. That it is made up of expert professional translators.

The more we allow ourselves to be lured by the song of the Siren, the less we distinguish between full-time professional translators and empiric translators working in their free time.

  1. That it has an active, stable customer portfolio.

Once you have selected the companies that interest you the most, communicate with them by phone, which will enable you to determine whether the company operates full-time, and ask for more specific information about its history and customer portfolio.

It should be understood that your service providers are part of your supply chain or quality chain. Your company deserves a service provider that is committed to your objectives and guarantees satisfaction.

Evaluate concrete information. Don’t allow flashiness to overshadow quality, experience, specialization and customer satisfaction.

What is important is that you choose the option that has really proved that it is the best and that you are convinced that you will receive high-quality service, since your company deserves not only a service provider, but also a collaborator, a trusted partner and an ally.

At Intercontact, we value and appreciate our customers, who have placed their trust in our organization for nearly 30 years. This trust is backed by our achievements, as well as the quality standards and confidentiality of our services, which are in line with the corresponding standards and our customers’ satisfaction since 1989.

Intercontact, committed to your success!

Autor: Dante Merino La Rosa

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